Wednesday, June 2

Kings, Dreams, and Schemes

It's June 2! I am two days into work and two days into my class, and only one day into my Bible Study. Looks like someone is procrastinating by working on their blog. :-P I wouldn't have any idea who that might be!

A disclaimer before I continue: I am really dizzy currently and unreasonably sleepy. I'm not tired, but I'm having trouble staying awake. I think that my iron is really low and that's the problem, but I don't really know. But at any rate, I'm positive that my writing (typing) will be affected, so please pardon the typos, spelling, and grammar errors.

My boss asked me to direct a musical this summer! Since I work at a daycare, we have 110 plus kids to participate in this musical. I chose to do Kings, Dreams, and Schemes. It's a re-telling of the story of Daniel and how God is in control of everything. I think that the kids will really like it. I hope that they will anyway!

I'll have to re-write part of the script though. It's written for two different sets: Daniel in Babylon and two kids re-living it in the modern world. So I'm going to do it just in Babylon, no extra kids in modern days. And that means a little bit of re-writing. Not a whole lot, but enough to keep me busy.

I'm really kinda nervous about this whole thing. I'm in charge of teaching 110 kids 10 songs in 10 weeks, dialogues and lines for the scenes, making costumes, set, and props, and figuring out how it all fits together..... Yikes!

But it's already starting to fit into place. My boss found some large pieces for the set that my church is making for their VBS. As soon as the VBS is over, we'll get the pieces.

Now, I've procrastinated from homework and Bible Study too much! I go to complete them. Until next time my friends!

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